Planning Applications

Perranzabuloe Parish Council plays an active part in all local planning issues. It is probably the area of the Council’s role that is best known to the community and which can be of the most importance. If you wish to view current Planning Applications in detail or comment on them, click the Application No. link for the relevant application to be re-dircted to the specific application on Cornwall Council’s website.

PC Ref CC Ref Applicant Location Development
7326 PA17/03811

Mr E Payne

Bolingey House, Chapel Hill, Bolingey

Demolition of existing property and erection of 4 new

7325 PA17/05572

Mr N Wrigg

Seashells, Quarry Road, Bolingey, Perranporth.

Proposed replacement dwelling

7324 PA17/05545

Workshop Adjacent to Newlands Gate, Engelly Road, Goonhavern.

The construction of a single infill dwelling to replace a general Industrial workshop.

7323 PA17/05421

Mr & Mrs Barkle

The Old Smithy, Callestick, Truro.

Outline Planning application with all matters reserved:
Erection of 2 semi detached dwellings with garages, refuse and
recycling storage units and construction of access.

7322 PA17/05672

Mr T Smith

Carnebo Farm, Carnebo Hill, Goonhavern

Works to Horse Chestnut

7321 PA17/05247

Mrs Edmeades

Chyreen, Perrancoombe, Perranporth.

Wood Framed Car Port

7320 PA17/05350

Dr R Lenz

Chy An Gwel, Perrancoombe, Perranporth.

Removal of overhanging branch on Pine tree.

7319 PA17/05420

Mr D Meads

Underthuel, Penwartha Road, Bolingey.

Extension for porch & installation of patio doors.

7318 PA17/05327

Mr & Mrs Curran

Polvenna, Venton Gimps, Callestick.

Removal of existing conservatory & proposed single
Storey extensions to farmhouse & proposed garage.

7317 PA17/02695

Mr & Mrs Livingstone & Henwood

The Pump House Land West of 7 Tywarnhayle Rd. Perranporth

Outline application for a proposed single dwelling (all matters reserved).

7316 PA17/05121

Mr & Mrs Gough

Land Adj. Lakewell Cottage, Perranwell, Goonhavern.

Demolition of sub standard dwelling and erection and relocation of new dwelling with double garage & new access.

7314 PA17/04217

Miss J Slater

Land rear of Lowertown workshop, Lower Rose

Conversion of existing garage & workshop into 3 bed dwelling

7313 PA17/04791

Mr Keith Weeks

The Caravan, Underthuel Farm, Penwartha rd. Bolingey.

onversion of redundant barn to dwelling use & provision of septic tank.

7312 PA17/05036

Mr K Tippett

Land North of Liskey Cottages, Liskey Hill, Perranporth.

Conversion & extension of existing redundant barn to form a dwelling, installation of septic tank with leach field,
formation of a new vehicle access onto the highway and new
access road within site (amended details)

7311 PA17/04352

Mr & Mrs Dodgson

Reencross Farmhouse, Road from Currah to Reen
Cross, Goonhavern.

Change of use of workshop into holiday letting accommodation. Demolition of existing tractor/feed
Store and replace with new holiday letting accommodation

7310 PA16/10724

Mr P Postle

Land Adj. To Quarry, Ramoth Way, Perranporth

Construction of two detached dwellings and division of public footpath.

7309 PA17/04237

Andrew Strathdee
Perranporth Developments Ltd

The Dunes, Ponsmere Road, Perranporth

Non material amendment (No. 2) to amend condition 1:
general minor amendments following construction
Detailing for (PA16/03380) Demolition of the existing
Ponsmere Hotel, erection of 28 residential apartments, 11
Houses, 2 flats over garages, restaurant (A3 use class) and
Car parking and associated infrastructure (decision
APP/D0840/W/15/3005920) with variation of condition
2 for substitution of plans to amend design and elevations.

7308 PA17/04510

Mr Ryun Retallack

Land SE of Avala, Cliff Road, Perranporth.

Construction of dwelling amendment to PA14/04518

7307 PA17/04846

Mr & Mrs Hatchard

26 Budnic Estate, Perranporth

Construction of porch, side and rear extension

7306 PA17/04842

Mr & Mrs Cope

Brynderi, Perranwell, Goonhavern.

Extension to an existing garage.

7305 PA17/04505

Mr & Mrs Nicholls
Adrian Nicholls Builders Ltd

Littlewater Farm, Bodmin Road, Goonhavern.

To erect a block of four Storage Units.

7304 PA17/04343

Mr A Ferris

19 Tredinnick Way, Perranporth

Loft Conversion to include dormer windows and

7303 PA17/04577

Mr & Mrs Hall

Lakewell Holiday Cottages, Perranwell, Goonhavern

To demolish an existing extension and erect a larger single
storey extension.

7302 PA17/03860

Mr & Mrs Meehan

Perrandale, Perrancoombe, Perranporth.

Retention and completion of alterations including a balcony
And extension to dwelling (Amendments to approved design
In respect of decision notice PA14/11923)

7301 PA17/03829

Taylor Wimpy Exeter.

Land Off Liskey Hill, Liskey Hill, Perranporth

Non-material amendment (3) to plot 18 roof pitch type from
A gable end roof to a hipped roof in respect of the decision
Notice PA14/03764

7300 PA17/04074

Mr Cohen

The Bungalow, 20 Tywarnhayle Road, Perranporth

Replacement of dwelling & Garage with new energy efficient
Dwelling, garage and associated works.

7299 PA17/03912

Mrs Barbario

The Annexe, Hillantic, Hendrawna Lane, Bolingey.

Change of use of existing residential annexe to dwelling, no external alterations proposed.

7298 PA17/03553

Mr B Thomas

Nilgiri, Rose, Truro

Erection of single storey side extension to replace existing conservatory.

7297 PA17/03776

Mr S Barrett, Altimax Properties Ltd.

33 St Georges Hill, Perranporth

Minor amendments to decision PA16/08370 – Demolition of existing mundic extension to rear of 33 & 33A St Georges Hill
Construction of new rear extension to provide additional
Bedroom to No.33A, and sub division of No.33 to provide a
2 bedroom apartment with a 3 bedroom duplex apartment

7296 PA17/03811

Mr Ellis Payne

Bolingey House, Chapel Hill, Bolingey.

Demolition of existing property and erection of 4 new dwellings. See reserved matters approval PA17/01117 for
Plots 1 & 2. This application deals with plots 3 & 4 for the
Construction of two dwellings.

7270 PA17/01630

M2 Developments

Barham, Penwartha Coombe, Perranporth

Proposed demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings
And construction of 5 dwellings.

7277 PA17/01823

Ms M Squance-Clark

Land South East of Trelayne, Trevellance Lane, Bolingey.

Proposed new dwelling at land adjacent to Trelayne.

7295 PA17/03755


5 Boscawen Road, Perranporth

Installation of a 24 Hour ATM Machine.

7294 PA17/03756


5 Boscawen Road, Perranporth

Advertisement Consent for proposed ATM Signage

7293 PA17/02355

Mr Chapman

Round Barrow, St Georges Hill, Perranporth

Temporary change of use to campsite for Tunes in the Dunes Festival on 30 June to 2 July, to include preparation and Clearance of site from 26 June to 7 July 2017.

7292 PA17/03501

L Samworth Combined Tree Services, Tree Surgeons Ltd.

Briars End, Perrancoombe, Perranporth

Willow T1, Coppice at 0.5m above ground level, due to cavity pitman union.

7291 PA17/03181

Mr Aston

6 Ridgeway, Perranporth

Outline planning for the proposeddemolition of existing dwelling and construction of three terraced dwellings with associated access.

7290 PA17/03112

Mr D Barrington

Bryher, 14 Higher Bolenna, Perranporth

Removal of existing roof and flat roof dormer, replacementroof with roof lights and enlarged dormer and balcony. Demolish existing garage and replace with new garage/workshop and equipment store.