Street Lighting – Report An Issue

Perranzabuloe Parish Council (PPC) is committed to aligning its street lighting policy with the principles in the Cornwall Council’s Street Lighting Operational Policy, wherever practical.

It is important to note that street lighting is not a Statutory Legal Obligation of PCC and all requests for faulty street lights to be repaired will be subject to 3 requests per light (limited to one per household) and a risk assessment. Any lights that PPC agree to repair will be fitted with warm LED bulbs and fitted with a timer to go off at 11pm and on at 6am.

PPC will make a decision (either way) and inform you within 28 days as to the decision and reasons. Please refer to PPC’s Street Lighting Policy for more information.

Please complete the form below.

Perranzabuloe PC - Street Light Repair Form

For Perranzabuloe Parish Council streetlights, the reference number will start “CD”. If the reference number starts with V, please report to Cornwall Council. NB:without this information, your report will not be progressed.
NB:without this information, your report will not be progressed.
(Response limited to 700 characters - approximately 100 words)