Exciting Lease Opportunity

Exciting Lease Opportunity

Perranzabuloe Parish Council (PPC) is pleased to announce an exciting new lease opportunity. Following the Youth Hostel Association’s decision not to renew their lease next year, this exceptional property, perched on the cliffs above Droskyn Point, is available to...
The Perranzabuloe Neighbourhood Development Plan News

Notice of Referendum

After many years of hard work by the NDP Steering Group, the Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) for Perranporth goes to Referendum.  Please see notice below.  A copy of the NDP will be available to view at the Parish Council Offices and the Library.  Anyone, on the...
Cligga Industrial Estate – Statement

Cligga Industrial Estate – Statement

Perranzabuloe Parish Council Issues Notices to Unauthorised Occupants at Cligga Industrial Estate  Perranzabuloe Parish Council has issued formal notices to individuals staying without permission on Parish Council land at Cligga Industrial Estate. These notices are in...